1b. Discovering peace

All materials are from www.thejesusstrategy.com

Who is this for?

This is an introductory series for anyone who would like to learn what the Bible says about how to find peace. This introduction series is good for pre-Christians (seekers) and newer Christians.


The Bible has much to say about peace. God does not want His followers to be anxious and worry.

Seven signs and claims of Jesus

  1. Jesus Calms the Sea - Luke 8:22–25

  2. Trust Jesus, Seek His Kingdom - Luke 12:22–34

  3. Jesus Heals the Centurion - Luke 7:1–10

  4. Pray and Ask God - Philippians 4:4–9

  5. Don’t Judge One Another - Luke 6:35–42

  6. The Wrong Goals - James 3:13–18, 4:1–3

  7. The Spirit of Peace - John 14:23–27

discovering peace discussion

getting started:

Discuss with participants if the group would like to read the “Read Passage” and/or write answers to the discussion questions before your meeting (or wait to work on this together).

  • Following are the questions to ask when waiting to work on the scripture together.

  • Tips for effective group facilitation: o Be patient and give people time to think about how to answer.

    • Encourage everyone to express their answers, but don’t force anyone to speak.

    • Encourage more talkative members to wait and let quieter members answer first.

    • The group facilitator should share their thoughts last and keep their answers brief.

    • Create a supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to share openly.

    • Remind everyone that what’s shared in the group must not be shared outside the group.

Use the following discussion format when you meet together:

I) Community Questions

  • What are you thankful for?

  • What are you struggling with, and how can we help? (Or what is causing you stress?)

  • Is there someone outside this group that we should help?

II) Review Questions

  • What did we read about last week?

  • How did you act on it, and how did that go?

  • Who did you share your experience with?

III) New Scripture

Bible Passage

  1. Ask someone to read the Scripture. Have one or two more people read it again.

  2. Ask someone to retell the Bible story in their own words.

  3. Ask others if anything was left out of the story.

Discovery Questions (Participants should each answer the following questions.)

  1. What does this story teach us about God?

  2. What does this story teach us about people?

  3. What do you think God wants people to do as a result of reading this passage?

Application Questions

  • What action do you think God wants you to take as a result of reading this? What will you do? (Start your answer with: “I will . . .”)

  • With whom can you share about your experience with God through this passage?

  • Would you like to do this again next week?


1a. Discovering Jesus


2a. Discovering God - Traditional